The Kenan and Kel Wiki


After Kenan, Kel and his family have dinner with his relatives, Kenan decides to get a job in a mailroom of a large company after Chris refused to give Kenan a raise and quits his job at Rigby’s, so later Kel switched the résumés and Kenan Rockmore (Reginald Van Buren) accidentally is given the Vice President position so he got the job and made Kel his assistant and gets free orange soda and at the same time Kenan is unaware of what the company actually does so he and Kel try to find out but not let anyone know why

Meanwhile, Kel is busy causing havoc like spilling water on someone and messing with a copy machine with a small trash can on his foot so he hides outside on the window ledge and waits for a perfect distraction to give to Kenan to get him out of the important meeting which backfires when Kenan and Kel are both discovered which causes Kenan to lose his job and Chris actually gave him the raise he wanted earlier. Kenan tells Kel that the company he got fired from is actually the largest manufacturer of orange soda which leaves Kel shocked and upset.
